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ACTION IN ACTS  -  PHASE 4                                “ARE WE THERE YET?”          SESSION 5

                   ACTS  27/27 – 28/10


If you are a parent of a child who can speak, you must have heard that question?...Often?? “Are we there yet?” There must have been many times when Paul asked himself that very question as he approached Rome. So many obstacles. So many delays. So many threats.

 But there were also times when he made those faith statements based upon what God had revealed to him. (27/24). He just knew he would get to Rome.

However, times or occasions of life-threatening danger were not over yet. The threats – especially the ‘natural’ ones – were not giving up.


a. It’s exhausting just reading vs.27-44!! Two weeks in the one storm! They threw out the sea anchors and prayed for daylight! Here’s yet another situation that threatens Paul’s survival and therefore his availability to preach the good news in Rome.

b. Are you impressed with the acceptance & authority that Paul now has in the eyes of the Commanding Officer? Read Vs.30-32. Paul has been right every time thus far. It almost almost sounds as though Paul is both Commanding Officer and Ship’s Captain.

c. Paul is worried that no one has eaten for 2 weeks!! Who would want to in those circumstances? A key aspect of Paul’s leadership skills can be seen here. (Vs.33-38). Can you identify it?

d. First the storm threatened their destruction. Then came the shipwreck. Now the soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners so that escape was not possible (v.42). Is there no end to these potentially lethal situations? Not yet, there isn’t.


e. It’s just as well Paul found favour with Julius (27/3) otherwise a swift thrust of a Roman sword would have ended the trip to Rome would have ended then and there. But “when God says you must…you will”.

f. READ JONAH 1/1-17.

g. There are some fascinating comparisons to be found between Paul and Jonah and their respective situations – similarities and comparisons. For example, both men are servants of God sent to declare the Word of God to the most important cities of their day – Rome and Ninevah.

h. Take time to identify any other comparisons (negative or positive) you can see in these passages.

















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