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Mike's Archive

Is That You, Lord? (2)  


Sometimes, on rare occasions, the Lord seems to speak into my spirit in those moments in the early morning when I am in the process of waking – when I'm not asleep but I'm not completely awake and alert either. It's as if those "in between" moments provide the Lord with the opportunity to communicate a truth, an idea, a directive or a principle that my fully-awake mind may not be able or willing to receive outside those optimum moments.  


I'm still processing the recent early morning experience that I mentioned in my last log entry where I perceived myself to be a 747 Aircraft Captain with my aircraft hijacked by a passenger named Parkinson. There's no doubt in my mind that this was connected with the Parkinson Disease in my body.  


As I lay in bed reflecting on the possible meaning(s) of this 'picture', I realised that the 747 aircraft itself represented my physical body and that my body has been hijacked by Parkinson. As I thought about the significance of this comparison, I realised that…  


a. The aircraft never belongs to the Captain. It belongs to the company for whom he works. In the same way, my body does not belong to me. It belongs to the One who bought it for the ultimate cost of His own life. In other words, this hijacking had implications for the 'company' and owner whom I serve. What is his/their response to the hijacking and what do they want me to do in this situation?  


b. The Captain may not own the aircraft but he is responsible for all that happens within it. He is in charge of all the aircraft's movements, the crew, the passengers etc. Similarly, while I don't own my body, I am responsible for what I do with it. I need to acknowledge the true Owner and use my body according to the wishes of the Owner.  


So where does that leave me so far as my attitude to this Parkinson's Disease is concerned? As the Captain, what is to be my response to this hijacker who has put at risk the whole aircraft – crew and passengers?   As I reflect further on this scenario, it seems to me that my options are few. I want to make a further log entry about these options next time.

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