Barnabas Network International | Online Resources for Churches

Mike's Archive


The third part of my purpose statement for Barnabas Network is….


To Sustain the Wounded


To be an agent of God's healing for those who are casualties in the spiritual conflict in that they have suffered emotional, relational or spiritual injuries.


As disciples of Jesus Christ, each of us is engaged in a war - a spiritual battle against a committed enemy called Satan (Lucifer, the Devil). It is a tragic reality that, as in any conflict, there will be casualties. People will be wounded. I have experienced such wounds in my own life and ministry. I know how much they can hurt. I want to be an agent of healing, not a means for wounding.


It is one thing to be wounded by an enemy but, far more tragic, are the wounds inflicted by a friend - so called. In military terms this is referred to as "friendly fire". Whether unintentional or deliberate, friendly fire is so much more painful because it comes from an unexpected source; a source from which we had expected protection and support, not conflict.


I am aware that there are many Christians - especially Christian Leaders - who are the 'walking wounded' among us and they need healing if they are ever to recover from spiritual, emotional and relational injuries. I hope and pray that there are insights on this website that communicate hope and healing for the wounded.


This kind of healing most often takes place in the context of community. Now community may involve no more than 2 other people but, whatever the number, genuine and lasting healing rarely takes place in isolation or secrecy. This is because healing often involves confession, accoutability and affirmation. Each of these realities pre-supposes community for their existence and effectiveness.


For example, one vital dimension of this kind of healing is forgiveness. Whether or not the one who does the wounding repents, apologises and seeks forgiveness, the wounded person needs to forgive the one who wounded him/her. All this requires the relational network of community to be effective.

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